Have you always wanted straighter teeth, but shied away from the idea of wearing traditional metal braces? Look no further than Springs Dental in Murrieta, GA, where we offer an excellent solution – clear braces!

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through what to expect when getting clear braces, address some frequently asked questions, and explain how you can benefit from this discreet teeth-straightening treatment.

What to Expect When Getting Clear Braces

Clear braces, also known as cosmetic or ceramic braces, are a popular orthodontic alternative for people seeking an inconspicuous way to straighten their teeth. These braces work similarly to traditional metal versions, but instead of silver brackets, they use clear or tooth-colored ceramic ones that blend seamlessly with your teeth, making them much less noticeable.

Initial Consultation:

The journey to your perfect smile begins with a consultation at Springs Dental. During this appointment, our experienced orthodontic provider will assess your teeth and bite, discuss your specific concerns, and determine if clear braces are the right choice for you. They will also outline the treatment process, discuss the length of treatment needed, and answer any questions you may have.

Fitting the Clear Braces:

Once you decide that you want to get clear braces, your next appointment will involve fitting the braces to your teeth. Our Murrieta dentist will gently clean and dry your teeth before carefully attaching the clear brackets using a special dental adhesive. Afterward, an archwire will be threaded through the brackets and secured with small, clear elastic bands. This wire will gradually apply gentle pressure to shift your teeth into their desired positions. But don’t worry, its low profile design also makes it less noticeable whenever you’re smiling or talking around other people.

Regular Check-ups and Adjustments:

Throughout your orthodontic treatment, you will need to visit our Murrieta dental office for periodic adjustments. During these appointments, we’ll assess your progress, make any necessary adjustments to the braces, and adjust the archwires as needed to keep your teeth moving in the right direction.

Completion of Treatment:

Once your teeth are straight and in the prescribed location, your clear braces will be removed. To ensure your newly straightened teeth don’t shift back out of place, Dr. Pulsipher will fit you with retainers that need to be worn regularly.

Frequently Asked Questions About Clear Braces

How long does it take to fit clear braces?

It only takes about an hour or hour and a half to apply your clear braces at the first appointment. The duration of clear braces treatment can vary depending on the complexity of each individual case. On average, it may take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to achieve the desired results. During your initial consultation at Springs Dental, Dr. Pulsipher will provide a more accurate estimate based on your specific needs.

Are clear braces hard to take care of?

Keeping clear braces clean is relatively straightforward and requires similar care to traditional braces. Brushing and flossing after meals are essential to keep your teeth and braces clean. Dr. Pulsipher recommends investing in an electric toothbrush and water flosser and using both daily.

What can’t you eat with clear braces?

While clear braces are durable, certain foods should be avoided to prevent damage to the brackets and wires. Hard, sticky, or chewy foods like caramel, popcorn, or hard candies should be off-limits during your treatment. It’s also crucial to avoid foods and beverages that could stain the clear brackets, such as coffee or curry.

Call Our Office for Clear Braces Treatment in Murrieta

If you’re ready to finally enjoy the beautiful, straight smile you want (without compromising on aesthetics,) Springs Dental is here to help! Call our Murrieta office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Pulsipher.

Call us today with any questions or to book your appointment!

Murrieta:  951-461-2310

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