Implant-Supported Bridges in Murrieta

Spring Dental, located in Murrieta, CA, is your go-to destination for dental care needs. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to providing comprehensive dental services that cater to your specific requirements.

When it comes to dealing with multiple missing teeth, we understand the importance of finding the right restoration option. That’s why we want to highlight the exceptional benefits of implant-supported bridges over traditional dental bridges. Implant-supported bridges provide superior stability and functionality and offer a natural-looking, long-lasting solution to enhance your smile.

What are Implant-Supported Bridges?

Implant-supported bridges are a modern and innovative solution for individuals who have lost multiple teeth. Unlike conventional bridges that rely on neighboring teeth for support, implant-supported bridges offer a more stable and permanent option.

These bridges consist of two main components: The dental implants that function as artificial roots and the bridge that effectively replaces the missing teeth. The dental implants provide exceptional stability, ensuring long-term durability and functionality. At the same time, the bridge not only restores the ability to chew and speak with ease but also enhances the smile’s overall aesthetic appearance.

With their advanced design and reliable performance, implant-supported bridges offer a comprehensive solution that improves both oral health and self-confidence.

Dental Implants for Bridges

Dental implants play a crucial role in supporting bridges. These small titanium posts are surgically placed into the jawbone, where they fuse over time to create a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth. If you’re missing several teeth in a row, a few strategically placed implants can support a permanent bridge. The result is a restoration that looks, feels, and functions just like natural teeth.

Am I a Candidate for Implant-Supported Bridges?

Most patients with good overall health and oral hygiene qualify for implant-supported bridges. However, adequate bone density in the jaw is necessary to support the dental implants. In cases where bone loss has occurred due to missing teeth, additional procedures such as bone grafting may be required.

Digital Dentistry and Implant-Supported Bridges

Digital dentistry has revolutionized the planning and placement of implant-supported bridges. By using advanced imaging technology, we can precisely place the dental implants, ensuring optimal outcomes. At Spring Dental, we harness the latest digital dentistry tools to provide our patients with the highest standard of care.

Risks and Complications of Implant-Supported Bridges

While implant-supported bridges offer many advantages, it’s important to consider potential risks and complications:

  • Infection at the implant site: Although rare, there is a small risk of infection occurring at the site where the implant is placed. It can usually be prevented with proper oral hygiene and post-operative care.
  • Damage to surrounding structures: During the implant placement process, there is a possibility of damaging nearby structures such as nerves, blood vessels, or adjacent teeth. However, with careful planning and precise surgical techniques, the risk of such damage is minimized.
  • Nerve damage: Nerves in the jaw can sometimes be affected during the implant placement, leading to temporary or, in rare cases, permanent numbness or tingling sensation. Our dentist will take precautionary measures to avoid any nerve damage.
  • Sinus problems (for upper jaw implants): In some cases, dental implants in the upper jaw can protrude into the sinus cavities, resulting in sinus problems such as sinusitis or sinus pain. This risk can be mitigated by proper evaluation and planning before the implant procedure.
  • Implant failure: While dental implant success rates are generally high, there is a small risk of implant failure. Factors such as poor oral hygiene, smoking, certain medical conditions, or implant overload can contribute to implant failure. Regular dental check-ups and good oral care can help minimize this risk.

Discussing these potential risks and complications with your dentist or oral surgeon before dental implant treatment is important. They will evaluate your case and provide personalized guidance to ensure the best outcome.

Reserve Your Consultation

If you’re contemplating implant-supported bridges, we invite you to schedule a consultation with us at Spring Dental. Our team will guide you through the process, answering all your questions and ensuring you’re comfortable every step of the way.

Call us today with any questions or to book your appointment!

Murrieta:  951-461-2310

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