Dental bonding in Murrieta

Dental bonding in Murrieta is a fast and affordable option for anyone wanting a quick, straightforward smile enhancement.

Unlike dental veneers or crowns, composite bonding is an extremely conservative solution for teeth with specific cosmetic concerns. Bonding provides a unique approach that can leave an immediate impact on your confidence and appearance. Plus, it’s an affordable solution for people who don’t want or need dental veneers.

What is Dental Bonding (Composite Bonding)?

What’s composite bonding? Bonding uses tooth-colored composite to cover aesthetic flaws in teeth. The composite is similar to what you would see used for a tooth-colored filling.

Bonding can be formed over a tooth to recreate the ideal shape in that location. It comes in a variety of colors, so our Murrieta dentist can match the composite to blend in with your unique smile. The idea is to rebuild that area of tooth without anyone being able to tell where the tooth stops and bonding starts; they blend in with one another.

Wondering where to buy dental bonding? You can only get it at your dentist’s office, just like a filling; it isn’t something you buy from a store.

Why Get Teeth Bonded?

Bonding is specifically used for instances like:

  • Covering small chips on the edges of your tooth enamel
  • Closing in mild gaps between teeth
  • Masking specific areas of stain, discoloration, or misshaped enamel
  • A cheaper alternative to dental veneers

Since bonding doesn’t cover an entire tooth like a crown or veneer, it’s much more affordable than a more dramatic smile makeover. We can easily place it in just one appointment, offering drastic same-day results.

We recommend bonding when there are one or two teeth that detract from your overall smile. Perhaps most of your teeth are straight, white and healthy, but one or two of them appear out of place. When that happens, your entire appearance suffers. If there is a chipped edge or gap, Dr. Pulsipher can form composite bonding over that space so that your tooth immediately looks whole again.

The self-confidence that comes from improving your smile is priceless. Bonding is conservative and quick, allowing you to instantly transform problem teeth so your smile looks better overall. When you feel confident in the way your smile looks, you’ll be more inclined to share it with the people around you.

How Expensive is Bonding?

Cosmetic dental bonding is extremely affordable when it comes to smile makeover options. As a conservative procedure that is non-invasive to other teeth, almost anyone can afford this treatment. Pricing depends on the size of the area being treated and how many teeth are involved, but most dental bonding is around the same price as a filling.

What to Expect During the Procedure

In most cases, Dr. Pulsipher can place bonding over your tooth without any numbing medication. The tooth may be gently prepped to slightly roughen the outer layers (for improved retention of the bonding agent), but that’s usually it. Next, we use the shade guide to match the bonding material to your tooth. From there, our Murrieta dentist shapes the composite into the desired form and cures it into place with a special light.

Composite bonding provides immediate results on the same day with no recovery time needed. Your smile will instantly look more symmetrical for an improved aesthetic appearance.

Care and Maintenance

It’s important to care for your bonded tooth properly to extend how long the composite lasts. Over time you may need to update the bonding because of stain or minor chipping in the material. We recommend sleeping in a night guard, avoiding biting down on hard foods with that tooth, and brushing and flossing around that area daily.

When you schedule your six-month checkups at Springs Dental, we can continue monitoring your bonding and other restorations for overall integrity.

Dental Bonding in Murrieta

Springs Dental offers affordable dental bonding for our patients with specific cosmetic needs. This affordable treatment is great if you feel self-conscious about a specific tooth whenever you smile.

Contact our dentist today to learn more about dental bonding in Murrieta.

Call us today with any questions or to book your appointment!

Murrieta:  951-461-2310

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