Emergencies strike without warning, and dental emergencies are no exception. When faced with sudden toothache or injury to your mouth, it’s imperative to know what to do next. In most cases, it means calling Springs Dental as soon as possible. Here’s what you can expect during an emergency dental visit in Murrieta:


Emergency Dentist in Murrieta: Your Lifesaver in Dental Crisis


Life is unpredictable, and dental emergencies can happen at any time – during the weekend, late at night, or even on a holiday. It could be that you bit down on something wrong, slipped in the shower, or took a ball to the mouth during a neighborhood softball game. In such moments, it’s important to act quickly. Springs Dental prides itself on being your go-to emergency dentist in Murrieta, ensuring you receive prompt care and relief when it matters most.

Dental Emergencies in Murrieta: Understanding the Urgency


Dental emergencies can range from dull aches to sharp pain. Most urgent situations require immediate attention to prevent further complications (like tooth loss) and get you out of pain as quickly as possible. That’s why we set aside time for emergency visits each day so that we’re able to accommodate new and existing patients alike.


Knocked-Out Tooth Emergency in Murrieta: Acting Swiftly for Optimal Results


A knocked-out tooth is one of the most urgent dental emergencies, often caused by accidents or traumatic injuries (like bumps, hits, or falls.) If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, it’s essential to act quickly, so that your tooth can potentially be reimplanted. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Handle with Care: Hold the tooth by the crown (the part that’s visible above the gums), avoiding contact with the root. If you see visible dirt, rinse it gently with a light stream of water. Whatever you do, do not scrub the root surface because it can interfere with reattachment.
  • Keep it Moist or Put it Back: If possible, place the tooth back into its socket. If it won’t fit, don’t force it. If it does, bite down on a clean cloth to apply firm but light pressure. Alternatively, if it won’t go in, keep it moist by placing it in milk or a saline solution.
  • Seek Immediate Dental Care: Contact Springs Dental immediately. In a best-case scenario, re-implantation needs to be performed during the first hour after the incident.


Murrieta Dental Clinic for Emergencies: Your Haven in Times of Crisis


Springs Dental in Murrieta is equipped to handle a wide range of dental emergencies and fast pain relief when you need it most. Our experienced and compassionate dental team understands the anxiety that accompanies emergencies, and we prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout the process.


Call Us Right Away: Initiating the Path to Relief


Most dental emergencies like broken or knocked out teeth need to be treated within the next 1-2 hours. Other concerns can potentially wait until the next business day. We recommend calling our Murrieta dental office regardless of what time or day it is. Our dedicated staff is trained to handle emergencies efficiently and guide you through the necessary steps until we can see you at our clinic.

In the meantime, we recommend rinsing with warm saltwater and taking Motrin (ibuprofen) to reduce any swelling or inflammation. You can also apply a cold compress to that side of your mouth to help. If the pain goes away, we still need to see you, as the tooth nerve may be damaged and could still cause complications; infections such as abscessed teeth or cracked tooth roots cannot repair themselves and do not improve over time. 

When you call us, our knowledgeable staff will provide you with clear instructions tailored to your situation, helping you manage pain and prevent further damage before your arrival.


Call Our Dentist for Emergency Care in Murrieta


Springs Dental in Murrieta is here for your family when you need us most. If you need a new dentist or are experiencing a painful toothache, contact us for prompt emergency treatment and pain relief.

Call us today with any questions or to book your appointment!

Murrieta:  951-461-2310

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